Supercharge Your Site With CloudFlare!
Join two million other sites in their quest to be faster and safer with CloudFlare services.
Website owners and visitors alike share two main concerns when operating and interacting on the web: speed and security. Every day sites are compromised by malicious forces such as hackers or bots. Likewise, a slow-loading site is enough to make visitors click the ‘x’ every time, which can be detrimental to your business.
If we were being melodramatic we’d say it’s enough to make us want to give up the web altogether. But before we all write the web off as ‘bad for business’ and move to the wilderness, Midphase has something up our sleeve to answer our everyday website concerns…
Introducing CloudFlare: the free addition to your hosting package which will act as your website’s security guard whilst keeping things running at optimum speed.
What is CloudFlare?
CloudFlare is a website performance company that is now partnered with Midphase to make sites hosted with us even safer and faster. Over 2 million sites are powered up by CloudFlare’s optimization, analytics and security; almost 25% of the internet’s traffic passes through the CloudFlare network.
CloudFlare acts as your site’s very own security team by deflecting attackers, spammers and malicious activities while streamlining your content quickly across the globe. The CloudFlare content delivery network (CDN) allows site visitors from any continent to quickly access and utilize your site with little to no risk.
**Note: CloudFlare protection is offered free to Midphase clients through logging in through your CHI account or at initial registration with Midphase services.
How does CloudFlare work?
CloudFlare will improve your site in three major areas:
CloudFlare can double your website loading speeds by consolidating network requests. Their asynchronous loading of JavaScript means a faster uninterrupted service. The CloudFlare CDN brings your data closer to those who need it, no matter where they are located around the globe.
CloudFlare covers all of your typical everyday traffic, but will also have your back for sudden spikes of activity. No longer will you need to worry that the day your brand goes viral is the same day that your server can’t balance the load. Between Midphase’s top-of-the-line Cisco equipment and CloudFlare’s smart protection, we have all your bases covered.
CloudFlare brings peace of mind and a calm in the storm of spammers, information and identity theft, email harvesting and DDoS attacks. Security breaches are tough to tackle with any successful site but with CloudFlare you will have the tools to block up to 90% of harmful traffic.
Safety net
In the event of server downtime CloudFlare will maintain a copy of your site – which you can retrieve at any time – with their Always Online service. They will also provide you with an analytics report breaking down your website’s traffic into categories like bots, threats and visitors which will make it easier for you to determine your audience. CloudFlare harvests the information you need to make informed decisions regarding the risk levels of your site and the recourse you should take to resolve such risks.
Enlist the help of CloudFlare’s expert speed and protection (free!) through your CHI account or with the help of our technical support staff.