Hello everybody, Marc Bollinger here. I’m the General Manager of midPhase, and I’d like to welcome everyone to the brand new and improved midPhase blog!
To our new visitors, let me give some background on midPhase. MidPhase, part of the UK2 Group, is a web hosting and Internet services company based out of Chicago, providing a wide variety of services including shared, reseller, and dedicated hosting. In just a few years, midPhase has grown to over 120,000 customers! We are committed to providing cutting edge web hosting solutions at very competitive pricing.
Our main goal with this blog is to give our current, as well as future customers a more in-depth look at what goes on behind the scenes here at midPhase. We’ll be covering a wide range of topics, from web design/development and marketing to in-depth looks at the midPhase team, facilities, and upcoming offerings. We hope these articles will give you and your website a helping hand in making it the best it can be. We also would loveto use this blog as an opportunity to gather your feedbackplease feel free to leave a comment if you have something to say!
Thanks for reading, and we hope you will visit often. We’ll be updating on a regular basis, so look forward to plenty of great articles!