Have All a Blogger’s Christmases Come At Once?
No more breaking your back trying to get a good image on your camera phone. There’s a new way to get photos on your blog. And it’s free.
When it comes to blogging, pictures don’t just paint a thousand words, they draw in a few extra readers, too. In fact, blogs with photos are though to get 94 per cent more hits on average than those without.
This is why the recent news from Getty Images has raised a few eyebrows for all the right reasons. Last month, the world’s largest photo service announced that it was launching open season on around 35 million of its stock images.
Previously hard-to-recreate landscapes, like those of the New York skyline or those of the Masai Mara, can now be downloaded in one click. They can be used on blogs and social media sites such as twitter and tumblr, if you download them in the following way…
1. Search for an image on the database If you’re using the image for your blog, try to find a picture that’s a little bit unusual – it’ll have an impact on the number of eyes the image draws to your site.
2. Click the embed icon on the image, which looks like this </>
3. Copy the code that appear in the window that pops up.
4. Paste this code into the source code of your blog or website.
5. Publish and share.
You won’t find any asterisks attached to Getty’s free images. The site makes it clear which ones are free to use and which are not. However, it’s worth reading the terms and conditions anyway. They’re available on the Getty website.
It’s easy to add images to your website when you have a website with Midphase. It can be as simple as dragging and dropping images into the boxes on your template. To find out more about the Midphase website builder visit the website.