Around the World in 6 Twitter Trends – March 2014
Got twitter block? Get the 140-character juices flowing again by finding out what the rest of the world is tweeting about…
It’ll come as no surprise that #marchmadness is all over the American twittershpere. But it may interest you to find out that San Diego, St Louis and Memphis locals are tweeting the loudest.
European tweeters are all pretty sombre this week. The hashtags that are trending over this continent include #suarez, concerning the death of Spain’s first democratically elected primeminister.
In football-mad Africa, the names Ronaldo and Messi are trending. But in the south of the country, #draktraverse is getting its fair share of attention. These tweets relate to Red Bull’s latest extreme sports challenge – classed as the mother of all berg hikes.
This character-consuming hashtag is trending over Asia this week. And we can see why – it’s one to start a watercooler conversation with!
The Aussies have got high-brow this week. #qanda refers to a national panel show in which high-profile guests discuss politics and current affairs.
Further evidence that the world has gone selfie mad.